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Linden grid account karma.silverblade Port of origin USA
Name Kaori Kitten Model Dax/2 Serial number NS-998-50-1752
Kampff-Voet test status (?) TESTING FAILED; REPORT FOR RECONDITIONING Owner or affiliated organization No Ownership currently
Manufacturer Custom Date of manufacture 2016-09-11
Reason for immigrating trying to find a new home Biography Vendor: Nanite Systems Corporation
Model: DAX/2m (Runs ATOS/e)
Controller Serial: NS-998-50-1752
Authority: Nanite Systems Consumer Products

Design Model: Customized Doll Android
Model Modes: Furry (rare) and Neko (Common)
Creator: Unknown
Age: early 20s
Gender Model: Female

Functionality: Fully able to understand speech but speech program is corrupted. Personalities may be warped from original programming or due to being programmed to be like a feline in nature and is curious. She is programmed to think like she's a human with a feline personality.

Limitations: battery usage, speech patterns.

Android Functionality: Civilian activities

Combat Training: None so far

Upgrades performed: Clockwork to Android.

Battery Powe Typer: Cell Requires charging.
last updated: 2017-05-26 21:52:57
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