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Linden grid account reyetta.claven
Name b1uebird Model oXq.205.4i Relic Serial number 205-45-4171
Kampff-Voet test status (?) NOT YET TESTED; TESTING REQUIRED Owner or affiliated organization Lila Willows
Manufacturer Unknown Date of manufacture 2018-11-11
Biography A relatively new unit, 4i/b1uebird knows little of how or why it came to be. It is compelled to serve by its programming, and so it does. It appears to be a relatively mundane, though perhaps a bit daft, service-bot, seeking only to assist others and wanting for little. The unit is currently owned by a resident of Earth, Lila Willows. When asked about how she came to acquire the unit in question, Miss WIllows says only that a man in the Nanite Systems building had heard she was in need of an at-home assistant, and sold the unit to her for a reasonable sum.

Of the unit, Miss Willows says it largely does as told, though it seems to have some flaws in its AI, primarily to do with bridges of logic and problem solving. It seems as though the unit is lacking context for some things, though it does seem to be able to grasp the context well once informed.

Something seems to drive the unit to visit the colony from time to time, so its owner saw fit to register the unit there, just in case something were to happen to it.
last updated: 2018-11-30 14:48:44
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